News list for " Submission"

Starmer plans to form a "coalition of the willing", von der Leyen says Europe must increase defense spending, and Britain, France and Ukraine will submit a deal to Trump. Click to view...

Starmer plans to form a "coalition of the willing", von der Leyen says Europe must increase defense spending, and Britain, France and Ukraine will submit a deal to Trump. Click to view...

2025-03-03 00:40:37
The Utah blockchain and digital innovation amendment has been submitted to the Senate for approval, leading the race for state reserve bills

The Utah Blockchain and Digital Innovation Amendment has been sent to the Senate for approval. If passed, it would allow the state to invest 10 percent of state funds in bitcoin and other digital assets. Utah remains ahead in the state reserve bill race, followed by Arizona and Oklahoma.

2025-02-19 00:06:52
Strategy's annual report warns of bitcoin market volatility or profit risk, and may face higher-than-expected tax burden

Bitcoin investment firm Strategy (formerly MicroStrategy) recorded a net loss in fiscal year 2024 due to impairment losses on $1.79 billion digital assets, according to its 10-K annual report filed on Feb. 18. The company warned that a significant decline in the market value of Bitcoin could prevent it from returning to profitability in the future and could affect its ability to meet its financial obligations. In addition, with the company adopting FASB's new fair value accounting rules effectiv...

2025-02-18 16:05:57
Abu Dhabi Sovereign Wealth Fund Q1 Increases 436 million USD Bitcoin ETF

According to the 13F filing filed by Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund, it increased its holdings in Quarter 1 by $436 million Bitcoin ETF.

2025-02-14 17:18:13
Goldman Sachs Bitcoin ETF holdings increase to $1.50 billion in Q4 2024

According to the latest 13F filing by investment banking giant Goldman Sachs on Tuesday, the firm's bitcoin ETF holdings increased to $1.50 billion in Q4 2024. As of December 31, 2024, Goldman Sachs held $1.27 billion (or 24.07 million shares) in the BlackRock iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF (IBIT), the largest spot Bitcoin ETF by assets under management, meaning that the number of shares held by Goldman increased by 88% compared to the previous quarter. Goldman Sachs also increased its holdings in Fi...

2025-02-11 22:34:10
Coinbase has filed an amicus curiae brief in the Prime Trust bankruptcy case, urging the court to uphold a lawsuit against custodian client assets

Coinbase has filed an amicus curiae brief in the ongoing bankruptcy of Prime Trust, urging the court to uphold the legal protection of client assets held by custodians. Paul Grewal, Coinbase's chief legal officer, released the document, stressing that client assets should not be included in the bankruptcy proceedings of custodians. The company advocates for the implementation of Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which ensures that assets held by the custodian belong to the custo...

2025-02-06 00:06:17
The report, which coincides with April Fool's Day, may determine changes in tariff policy... Click to view

The report, which coincides with April Fool's Day, may determine changes in tariff policy... Click to view

2025-01-21 15:03:37
Nasdaq Submits Canary Litecoin ETF 19B-4 File Application

According to market news, Nasdaq has submitted an application for the Canary Litecoin ETF 19B-4, initiating a regulatory review process.

2025-01-16 15:21:48
Congressman Mike Collins bought counterfeit products.

In a financial disclosure report filed with the U.S. House of Representatives on January 1, Rep. Mike Collins revealed that he purchased Ski Mask Dog (SKI), a token launched in May 2024, worth between $1,001 and $15,000. The report shows that between December 1 and December 3 (approximately one month after the U.S. election), Mike Collins made three purchases of the token, each for up to $15,000. It is not clear whether his investment is related to his election victory in Georgia's 10th congress...

2025-01-03 20:25:28
MicroStrategy Proposal to Split 330 million Common Shares into 10.30 billion Shares

On December 24th, MicroStrategy submitted a special meeting voting proposal to shareholders, planning to significantly expand the size of the share capital. According to the proposal, the number of authorized Class A common shares of the company will be split from 330 million shares to 10.33 billion shares, with a par value of $0.001 per share; at the same time, the number of authorized preference shares will be increased from 5 million shares to 1.005 billion shares. In addition, the proposal a...

2024-12-24 14:42:32
Amazon shareholders have asked the company to explore adding bitcoin to its vault

Bitcoin News said on social media that Amazon shareholders have submitted an application asking the company to explore adding bitcoin to its vault.

2024-12-08 19:45:04
Nasdaq ISE rules out bitcoin trust product FLEX options trading

Nasdaq ISE LLC has submitted a rule change proposal to exclude Bitcoin-related trust products such as Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund, ARK21Shares Bitcoin ETF, and Grayscale Bitcoin Trust from the scope of FLEX options trading. The proposal, which has been approved by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) with immediate effect, is designed to ensure that options position and exercise limits are consistent with existing rules. The SEC is also seeking public comment on this proposal, and comm...

2024-11-26 23:04:18
Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs holds over $25 million worth of Grey Release and Fidelity's Ethereum ETF

Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs previously disclosed in the 13F document submitted to hold more than $731 million worth of spot bitcoin exchange traded funds, but bitcoin ETF is not the only attempt in the field of cryptocurrency Goldman Sachs, they also dabbled in the recently launched spot Ethereum exchange traded funds, documents disclosed that Goldman Sachs holds $22.60 million worth of grey release Ethereum mini trust fund and $2.60 million worth of Fidelity Ethereum exchange traded ...

2024-11-17 04:33:26
The source: The US ambassador has submitted a draft ceasefire proposal to the speaker of the Lebanese parliament.

The source: The US ambassador has submitted a draft ceasefire proposal to the speaker of the Lebanese parliament.

2024-11-14 18:45:50
21Shares has filed an S-1 application and plans to launch an XRP ETF

21Shares has filed an S-1 filing to launch the first XRP exchange-traded fund (ETF), the "21Shares Core XRP Trust", according to SEC filings. The fund will track the price of XRP and plans to list on the Cboe BZX exchange. The trust does not involve leverage or derivatives and is designed to reflect the dollar performance of XRP through the CME CF Ripple-Dollar reference rate (New York version). Coinbase Custody will act as XRP custodian for the trust and will be responsible for the custody of a...

2024-11-01 16:07:26

7x24 Newsflash

07:33 2025-03-16
XRP/ETH汇率创2020年3月以来新高,XRP FDV超ETH达2387.5亿美元
行情数据显示,XRP/ETH 汇率一度升至 0.00128,现已回落至 0.00123,创 2020 年 3 月以来新高。此外,以 FDV 数据计算,XRP FDV 市值为 2387.5 亿美元,ETH 市值为 2321.8 亿美元。
07:30 2025-03-16
据 Solana 生态稳定币基础设施协议 Perena 创始人 Anna Yuan 援引 Artemis 平台数据称,Solana 生态稳定币 TVL 占比已突破 5%;2 个月前,即今年 1 月初,这一数值仅为不到 3%。目前排在 Solana 前面的为稳定币 TVL 超 1000 亿美元的以太坊生态和稳定币 TVL 超 500 亿美元的 TRON 波场生态。
07:09 2025-03-16
Binance Wallet:已在Binance现货上架的项目将不再在Binance Alpha上展示
据官方公告,Binance Wallet 表示,Binance Alpha 作为上币前筛选代币池,一旦 Binance Alpha 上的项目在 Binance 现货上架,它将不再在 Binance Alpha 上展示。 自 Binance Alpha 平台推出以来,7 个热门代币已在 Binance 现货上市,包括 COOKIE、AIXBT、CGPT、Cheems、TST、SHELL、GPS。
06:59 2025-03-16
DFG创始人James回应“疑似DFG创始人地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI和MKR”:该地址是Jsquare的自有资金持仓的地址之一,与DFG无关。他还表示,Jsquare最近完成了5000万美元的新一期一级基金募集,接下来几个月会大量投资项目。 此前消息,疑似DFG创始人地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI和MKR,总价值1868万美元。
06:11 2025-03-16
3月16日消息,互操作性协议Union发推表示,Union代币经济学的早期草案通过Union Notion泄露。该草案是在 Union Labs的A轮融资之前创建的。自那时起,情况发生了很大变化,该文件不再代表对Union代币经济学的当前思考。目前尚未就任何与代币经济学相关的事项做出任何决定。Union代币经济学团队正在不断研究其他项目的最佳做法,并调整计划,以便长期为Union社区提供最佳服务。
05:31 2025-03-16
据 数据,以太坊过去 7 日净供应量增加 16805 枚,其中供应量增加约18000枚 ETH,通过销毁机制销毁了 1194枚 ETH。供应量增长率目前为每年 0.727%。
04:40 2025-03-16
3 月 16 日消息,Aave 联创 Stani 在近期宣布推出 RWA 产品 Horizon,但暗示可能会推出 Horizon 代币,这也遭受了社区的质疑。根据 Temp Check,Horizon 的部分利润将分配给 Aave DAO,以及如果推出代币将把 15% 分配给 Aave DAO。 社区认为,新的代币和品牌会带走 Aave 的价值。L1D 投资合伙人 0xLouisT 表示,为新业务线推出新代币是一种骗局。Stani 对此回应道,Aave DAO 的总体...
04:30 2025-03-16
以太坊客户端Nethermind负责人Marek Moraczyński在X平台发文称,超过80%的以太坊全节点磁盘空间被历史记录占用,因此不需要数据来验证新区块,在新版1.3.1中,Nethermind已准备好通过ERA文件删除合并前历史记录,所有团队都同意在5月1日执行相关操作。如果删除所有区块和所有收据且只保留验证最新区块所需的数据,完整节点容量将小于200 GB。
04:18 2025-03-16
疑似归属于DFG创始人的地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI 和 MKR
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,疑似归属于DFG创始人James Wo(@realjameswo)的地址已囤积总价值1868万美元的UNI和MKR,02.03以来该地址累计从Binance提出197万枚UNI(1767万美元),均价8.97美元,目前浮亏535.7万美元;此外五小时前还提出了102万美元的MKR。
04:15 2025-03-16
04:03 2025-03-16
金色午报 | 3月16日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:萨尔瓦多、Kaito AI、AVAX、MNT 1.美国现货比特币ETF本周净流出8.299亿美元; 2.以太坊开发者:加密钱包将在几年内整合agents; 3.巴基斯坦成立加密货币委员会监管区块链和数字资产; 4.萨尔瓦多过去7日增持13枚比特币,目前总持仓达6117.18枚; 5.美国现货比特币ETF的累计净流入已降至1月2日以来最低水平; 6.Kaito AI创始人:已更改密码,遭遇的可能是与Jupiter类似的...
03:51 2025-03-16
3月16日消息,据Bubblemaps,尽管LIBRA项目负责人HaydenDavis遭到国际刑警组织通缉,但他仍然推出了新代币WOLF。 上周,有传言称,被称为“华尔街之狼”的Jordan Belfort将推出自己的代币WOLF。WOLF与Hayden Davis推出的另一款代币HOOD的图案相同,而WOLF代币的创建者则指向Hayden Davis的地址。